Home > eSalesTrack Help Menu > User > Activity > Task > Creating a Task
Creating a Task
You can create tasks from more than one place in the eSalesTrack application.
You can create a new task:
1. By clicking on the clock
below the search bar or in the top right of the Module form view
2. Clicking on the Add New drop-down feature in the upper right section of the screen and clicking on Add Task
3. Clicking on the new task link in the Activities tab Details page to add a task to that specific account.
4. Clicking on the Create New Task
link in the Calendar home/landing page
Clicking on any of these takes you to the Add Appointment/Task page where you can add the task information.
Adding Task Information
Only the Subject field is a mandatory field while adding a task.
Subject: Add a name for the task.
Assigned To: Select which team member to assign to the task
Priority: Select the priority of the task
Status: Select the status of the task
Action: Select the action corresponding to the task
Due Date: Type in the date or select the appointment/ task date by clicking on the calendar icon () to the right.
Connected To: Select the account/contact/opportunity to assign the task to from the drop-down list.
Description: Type any additional information you want visible to the account
Click Submit to save the task.
See also