You can create appointments from more than one place in the eSalesTrack application. You can create a new appointment:
1. By clicking on the
clock below the search bar or in the top right of the Module form view
2. Clicking on the Add New drop-down feature in the upper right section of the screen and clicking on Add Appointment
3. Clicking on the new appointment link in the Activities tab Details page to add a task to that specific account.
4. Clicking on the Create New Appointment link the Calendar home/landing page
Clicking on any of these takes you to the Add Appointment/Task page where you can add the appointment information.
Adding Appointment Information:
Adding Appointment Information: Only the Subject field is
a mandatory field while adding an appointment.
Subject: Add a name for the appointment.
Assigned To: Select which team member to assign to the appointment
Location: Type in specifics of the location of the appointment
Status: Select the status of the appointment
Action: Select the action corresponding to the appointment
Start Date: Type in the date the appointment starts, or select the appointment date by clicking on the calendar icon () to the right. You can also chose a specific time of day by choosing the clock icon ().
End Date: Type in the date the appointment ends, or select the appointment date by clicking on the calendar icon () to the right. You can also chose a specific time of day by choosing the clock icon ().
Connected To: Select the account/contact/opportunity to assign the appointment to from the drop-down list.
Description: Type any additional information you want visible to the account
Check the Recurring box if you want the appointment to repeat
Check the eMail Notification box if you want an email notification sent to the team member assigned to the Appointment, and any of the invitees to the appointment. Choose from the drop down when you want the email notification to be sent.
There are 2 unique features to Appointments (that Tasks do not have)
You can invite others to Appointments, either through eSalesTrack or through their email calendar (Outlook, Google, etc.) by clicking on the Invitees tab.
You can set the Appointment to recur at various intervals for either a specific amount of time or with no end date, by clicking on the Recurrence tab.