Home > eSalesTrack Help Menu > User > Data > Manage Data > Activate Records
Manage Data
Activate Records
If you delete a record then it
will show up in your recycle bin. From the recycle bin you can re-activate
the record if you realize later you need the information.
To activate a record from the Recycle Bin:
1. Select the module where the record is located.
2. From here you can see all of the deleted records from that module or use the search box in the top left to find the records.
3. You can also grab a group of records by batch. If you delete a group of records they will show up as a batch labeled by the time they were deleted.3
You can grab all records in a batch and mass activate them.
4. Once they have been activated they will not show in in their respective modules.
To activate a record from the Profile Page:
1. Open the profile page of the inactive record you would like to activate. If the record is inactive it will have a red inactive tag on the top right of the profile.
2. Click on the undelete button on the toolbar.
3. The record will now be active.
See also