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Creating Records
Primary Records
In eSalesTrack you can associate records with other reocrds using relationships. For example you can associate a contact with a company record. There are a couple different types of realtionships that you can use to associate the records. If you want to have more than one contact that is associated with a company then you would most likey use a one-to-many relationship (one comapny to many contacts). You can also use a one-to-one relationship to have contact fields appear on the company form. This allwos you to fill out the contact and comapny information at the same time. If you use these two relationships together you can select a primary contact. The primary contact's informaiton will appear on the comapny record and the other contacts will fall under the contacts tab.
To select a primary contact:
1. You must have a one-to-one relationship and a one-to-many relationship set up between the modules.
2. Connect all of the many records to the one parent record (connact all the contacts to the company record).
3. Open the parent record (company) and then open the one-to-many tab (contacts).
4. Select the primary record from then Primary Record drop down.
5. The primary records information will now show up on the parent record.
See also