Home > eSalesTrack Help Menu > Administrator > Modules > Field Creator > Editing Feilds
Field Creator
Editing a Field
Both system fields and custom fields can be edited at any time.
To Edit a Field:
1. Click on i n the upper right corner of the screen. This will bring up the eSalesTrack toolbox.
2. Click on
3. Click on
Field Creator. This will give you a list of all your modules in your account.
4. Click on the icon of the module where the field is located. This will bring up a list of all the current fields that you have created.
5. Here you can change the field type and also get a preview of the field.
6. Click on the name of the field to bring up the Field Properties window. Here you can change the name of the field and the items associated with it.
7. Click on “Update” to save the changes
See also