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Import Troubleshooting
You have uploaded your spreadsheet but no fields show up below the import
Your spreadsheet is not saved as the correct file. You can only upload and
import Microsoft Excel 97-2003 workbook (.xls) or a CSV (comma delimited) file.
Issue: You have uploaded your spreadsheet
but do not see all of the fields that you need to map to.
Answer #1: You are importing to the wrong
module. If you have selected the wrong module to import to you will not
see the fields you are trying to map to. On the left menu under the import
data option you will see all of your normal modules that you can import to.
Click on the module you would like to import to.
Answer #2: If you need to import into two
modules at once, you will need to use the advanced import function.
This feature can make each line item in a
spreadsheet two separate records. For example, if you have a company
module related to a contact module then you could import the information at the
same time. There has to be a one-to-one relationship between the modules.
If you import a spreadsheet with both company and contact information to the
company module with the advanced option you will also be able to map contact
Issue: You imported an Excel 97-2003 or
CSV file the log says completed but you do not see the records in your
Answer #1: If you did not map any fields
on the import screen the file will not be imported. You will see a
Rejected Records link on the import Data Log screen. Re-upload your
spreadsheet and map the respective fields to import the information.
Answer #2: Your spreadsheet is not
formatted correctly. You must have the first row in your spreadsheet
contain column headers that have corresponding fields in your eSalesTrack
account. If you are doing an advanced import you cannot have any blank
Answer #3: You may need to adjust your
views to see the imported records, they may be owned by another user or
unassigned. You can create a simple view with only the main module table
and the key field. If you select the entire scope by highlighting myself
then holding down Shift and clicking the very last option. This will show
every record that you have access to, you should now see the records you
Answer #4: You may need to set up sharing
to see all records in your account. If you import a list of records and
assign them to a user that does not report to you or is not sharing records with
you then you will not see those records in your views. You can set
up sharing or log in as the user who owns the records to see them. If you
log in as the user and still do not see the records then you may need to adjust
the view (see answer #2).
Answer #5: You did an advanced import and
did not map the key field. You must must the
key field
for the main module in an advanced import. The key field's system name
will appear red in the advanced import screen.
Answer #6:
You imported a spreadsheet with
records but the import log says 0 records and no records show up in the
Answer: You have mapped the wrong type of
fields. You must map text excel columns to text fields, numeric excel
columns to numeric fields, and date excel columns to date fields.
Issue: You have mapped the fields and
clicked import file and got the eSalesTrack error screen.
Answer: The import screen
timed out. If you spend too much time on the import screen it may time
out. In this case you need to re-upload the spreadsheet. You can
save the import mapping so you do not need to re-map the fields. This will
make the mapping process much faster and timing out will be less likely.
Issue: You imported a file of records the
log says completed but you do not see all of the records in your module/views.
Answer #1: Your view is limited to only show
certain records. You can adjust your view to show more records.
There are two sections in the view creator that can limit records. If some
of the records are owned by other users you may need to adjust the scope.
If you have any filters on the view you may want to take the filter off of the
view or create a new filter that does not have the filter.
You did an advanced import and
eSalesTrack consolidated records. eSalesTrack is designed to de-duplicate
records when you use the advanced import function. If there are two
records with the same exact value in the key field for the main module then
eSalesTrack will create one record with two (or more) sub records that are
related. For example if you have two records in a spread sheet that
have the same company name and two different contact names, it will be imported
as one company record with two related contact records.
Answer #3: You do not have
access to the user who owns some of the records. If there is a user who
owns some of the records imported and they and they do not report to you or are
not sharing views with you then you will not be able to view those records in
your module/views. Log in as the user or set up sharing to view the
Issue: You imported
spreadsheet but the values in a field do not stick when you edit the form.
Answer: If you import a
value to a drop down field but the value is not in the drop down list the drop
down will revert back to the default value when you edit the record. You
will need to re-upload the spreadsheet with the correct values or do a mass
Still having issues?
Open a support ticket.
See also