Home > eSalesTrack Help Menu > Administrator > Company Information > Users > Reassigning Records
Reassign Records
In eSalesTrack you may need to reassign records from one user to another. This changes the record owner field. If you are inactivating a user then you will definitly want to use this feature. In eSalesTrack it is easy to reassign a lot of records at once, as well as any records that are associated with those records. This way if a user is inactive you will still have access to that infromation.
To reassign records.
1. Open the module where the reocrds are located.
2. Open or create a view to show the records that need to be reassigned.
3. Check the boxes next the records or just click the "All" button to select all the records in the view.
4. Select "Reassign Record Owner" from the Actions drop down menu.
5. Under the "New Value" drop down select the new user that you would like to own the records in the future.
6. You can check the boxes under the heading "Update these related records:" to also reassign anything that is related to the reocrds you are reassigning.
See also